Beauty is the way she holds herself.
The way she loves.
Its self-acceptance.
Beauty is in her soul.

About Ciara Burton
Hi. I’m Ciara!
Everyday I speak with women who are in search of true fulfillment. “I feel empty…I’ve lost myself…there’s gotta be something more” she may say. And if she’s not saying it with her words, she’s saying it with her energy.
On the outside, she appears to have it together. The perfect family, material success, the appearance of a fun life. But she knows that the pretty exterior she’s painted is only a shell that hides her struggles within.
Her soul is rallying to be free; unmasked and untamed.
Yet, she doesn’t know where to start.
She’s bored (and buried) by the mundane tasks of everyday life that have caused her to lose sight of her radiant qualities that at one time made her shine.
She feels stretched too thin YET capable of so much more.
She wants to discover her “next steps,” magnetize to a community of people who “get her,” parent without guilt, and bring harmony into her home – and most importantly, stop the behaviors that don’t serve her (like constantly questioning herself) – but how? And where does she begin?
… there’s a gap between where she IS and where she WANTS to be.
My role is to help her get to where she wants to be.
I know this woman, I have been this woman, and my purpose is to set her free.

The secret that no conventional “therapist” speaks about is : the CODES to heal from the “stuckness” you feel, exist within you.
With my help and guidance from your intuition, we will extract these codes and activate them together.
And like a metamorphosis, you will heal the broken, fragmented parts of yourself as you “Become Her” – the highest expression of you.
… the only way out is through.
I can help you figure this all out.
Unlike traditional therapy – we look forward … not back.
I believe you are worthy of having a beautiful, fun and anxiety-free life.
You deserve to know the weightless feeling of liberation. Freedom from the cycles you regularly find yourself in – many of which were unconsciously passed down to you generationally – from your Mother, and her Mother and so on.
Their story doesn’t have to be “your” story.
We will write your story together.
And in the process of “Becoming Her” you will:
- connect to a tribe of like minded people
- create a paradigm for a thriving marriage
- activate your higher nature
- parent presently calling forth your children’s unique gifts
- make decisions confidently and in alignment with your values
Most importantly though, you will live as the sovereign, creative, self-expressed woman you were designed to be. And your willingness to do your “inner work” will not only set YOU free, but you will FREE the many generations to come.
It’s time to write your story and finally realize it, sis.
Are you ready?

My work with the modern Mother is not really “a profession,” but rather a formalization of my calling. Growing up, I was referred to as an “old soul.” I’d engage in dialogue with people young and old to explore curiosities and play in possibility. In college, you could find me at the bar, locked in, getting lost in conversation about the meaning of “life” hardly paying attention to my drink. Now, nothing fulfills me more than to engage in heart-centered, intuitive conversations with strangers (who feel like soulmates) from around the world in my virtual coaching practice helping them face their most challenging life-moments with grace and dignity.
I am certified as a life, leadership and health coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, Landmark Education, and The Mosaic Institute for Human Development. Not only have I learned from these incredible institutions, but I’ve coached and led courses alongside leaders within them, most notably The Self Expression Leadership Program with Landmark Education in Southern California. In addition, I’ve coached hundreds of students through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in business development while they obtained their Health Coach certification over a 4 year period. Many of my students now successfully run businesses that positively impact the health and wellbeing of others. Currently as my practice has evolved, I work with select individuals in my program Becoming Her while my husband and I raise our 2 young boys. In my free time, I study Metaphysics at The Spiritual Arts Institute in Encinitas, California and hope to one day become an expert in Universal Laws and Principals.
I am a student and a teacher, but most importantly I am a student, always learning and growing in this game called “Life.”Yes, I’ve spent the last 11 years studying with the world’s leading experts, coaching unique souls around the globe, but it’s my personal experiences of practicing what I preach in challenging moments that have most qualified me to do this work.
My aim is to teach you how to become your own best teacher and advocate – so that you will recognize your intuition as your greatest teacher. After 10 years off ambitiously growing my professional experience, I’ve realized the most powerful resource I can access is the wisdom within.
Thank you for being here, it’s an honor to serve.
let's be friends

About Me
I believe all women should have the opportunity to uncover their potential and actualize their desires. Whatever your desire, you are worthy of. Living in alignment with who you really are is the greatest gift we can give our children, our next generation.
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