Blog, Body, Mind, Purpose, Soul
Tell me. Do you ever find yourself asking… Who am I? What am I doing with my life? I can relate. And I know one thing is for sure when you ask these questions: You feel like your current life circumstances are no longer enough for you. You have a beautiful life. … a...
Blog, Control, Motherhood, Perfectionism, Uncategorized
“I can’t keep up.” “This is requiring all of me and it’s stressing me out.” I want to pursue my personal goals and desires but I don’t see how that’s possible when I am responsible for “everyone” and “everything.” I’m overwhelmed. I hear you. You want to be (your...
Blog, Purpose, Self Love, Uncategorized
If you feel uncomfortable, you’re growing. You’re growing into someone else. Your future self. The next version of you. It’s time to get in touch with what life is grooming you for… do you know? Ask yourself this question: Who are you being called to become? We all...
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