“I am divinely guided and supported. I am going where the inspiration is flowing”
Spirituality is such a hot topic of discussion right now. “God”, “religion”, “The Universe”, “the higher self”…. there are so many ways people are describing their connection to something bigger than themselves.
Lets break this down.
(I will not be pushing my own personal beliefs onto you – this is your journey to decide for yourself – “what DO I believe?”)
Have you ever been hit with a flash of inspiration while in the shower? I swear I do my best thought-work in the shower.
Or maybe you recall an experience where you’ve run into the right person at exactly the right time when you really needed them? Ahhhh, I love when this happens!
In my experiences, this is the magic of “the unforeseen forces” supporting us in life – and I believe these forces are more powerful than we can readily observe – if we open ourselves up to RECEIVE them.
When we create space for moments of solitude, we open ourselves up to receive these inspirational messages more clearly.
For me, these messages show up like whispers in nature, in other people’s words, and even in the random book I feel called to pick up on a lazy Sunday afternoon. Its that moment of – “ahhhhh, I needed to hear that today.”
Have you experienced these types of messages recently? I trust that the inspiration I receive is guiding me and that when I meet seemingly “magical people” serendipitously – I am right where I need to be AND I have all of the resources I need to accomplish my goals with grace and ease.