last call for becoming her 2024








Ciara Burton

To the woman wanting more,

I see you.

It’s time to rewrite your story and live a life anchored by authenticity. Let me show you how…

who is this for?
Ciara Burton


She is to be of selfless service, loving leadership and natural nurturing…at least that’s what they’ve told her.

In trying to fit other people’s definition of “the perfect woman,” she loses sight of the unique self she was created to be. What a tragedy to be made small by self doubt, guilt and anxiety over what makes her extraordinary.

She was made for more.


I’m not here to tell you what works for me or that you have to live like anyone else in order to be happy. I’m here to empower you with tools to self-heal and move beyond the anxiety, confusion and guilt that keep you from becoming the woman you were designed to be.

“She” is the woman who has the ability to meet indecision with grace, challenge with courage, overwhelm with peace, shame with compassion and doubt with confidence.

And in the process, you will not only find the fulfillment you seek but you will get to know the woman you really are underneath the dark cloud of uncertainty.

And Become Her.

Ciara Burton

here’s where to start

Hear it in Her Words : “I’m not a victim of my circumstances, I have power. I have rediscovered a part of myself that was trapped and I’ve become who I know I’m meant to be. I was starting to feel burnt out from….”

Word of the Year Workshop: Ready for a meaningful + productive 2024? Join me for the Word of the Year Workshop! Cast an inspired vision, deepen your sense of purpose, get clear on your aligned “next steps” without the stress of a rigid and overwhelming plan

5 Shifts Empowered Mothers use to Solve Anxiety + Reclaim their Power

meet ciara

Ciara Burton, a wife and mother of two, has created a unique brand that’s freeing Mothers of anxiety and uncertainty by helping them return “home” to themselves. Known as “The Life Coach for Moms”, her unconventional approach has helped hundreds of women heal from toxic patterns, routines and blockages to happiness and success. Engaging in heart-centered, intuitive conversations with strangers (who feel like soulmates) from around the world is what lights her up. Through her work, she guides her clients to face their most challenging life-circumstances with grace and dignity.
Ciara Burton
the four key elements for success

Navigating “the game of life” as a woman + Mother in this day and age takes more than just showing up for the routine and all the “to-do’s.” It requires mastery and understanding of your “inner game.” The ready accessibility of happiness and love exist here.


Step 01

Love your body into alignment

We have learned to live our lives to satisfy other people’s demands, oftentimes ignoring our own body’s cues to “listen up.” Communicating and working with the body, rather than fighting against it, is the first step to eliminate anxiety and the feelings associated with dis-ease. To heal from the inside out, you must learn to honor and interpret your body’s cues to prevent “re-actions” you regret with the people you love most. By cultivating a harmonic, intuitive relationship with your body, you will not only reach optimal health and ideal weight, but you will also find guidance, clarity and understanding of what you truly want – all from within.

Ciara Burton
Ciara Burton Sitting Down
Step 02

Train your mind to work for you

Your thoughts determine your destiny, so a strong mindset is your best asset. Every time you think a thought, it grows in power and either holds you hostage by keeping you small (and in a darker state of mind) – OR – it helps you grow to your fullest potential. If you desire breakthrough results, you must employ new behaviors or risk remaining in a state of complacency, unconsciously manifesting “more of the same” as you repeat harmful patterns that keep you stuck and playing small. You must create new neurological pathways to achieve different results.

Step 03

Feed your soul by living into your soul qualities

Purpose is not tied to how much you get done in a day, although when you don’t know what you’re living for, it can feel like it. Women are starved for creative expression and feel lost and uncertain about how to discover the soul-satisfying feelings that come with purposeful living. To live a deep, meaningful and purpose-driven life, you must know *who you are* – your values, goals, motivations and aims – and simultaneously let go of the roles you think you need to play in order to achieve inner fulfillment. Once you know who you are, and who you are not, you will have the ability to exist more peacefully in the midst of chaos and uncertainty, becoming the “master of your fate and the captain of your soul.”

Ciara Burton - Free Mothers From Uncertainty
Ciara Burton - Become a Sovereign Woman
Step 04

Become a sovereign woman

When we’re wrapped up in “busy” and always in a hurry, we lose our ability to discern the best course of action for ourselves as our focus is lost in the outer world. A bold, confident and free woman anchored in her purpose listens to her inner guidance above all else when challenges arise. She does not need a “life-line” when overwhelm and indecision kick in. This is the pinnacle shift you must make to be fully free.

“When you put these 5 Shifts into action you will quickly and easily move into clarity, power, and confidence – and become more aligned with the bold, unapologetic, magnetic, creative, soulful, purposeful woman inside you.
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My Blog

To Evolve or Repeat. What do you choose?

To Evolve or Repeat. What do you choose?

I posted this pic on my Instagram stories a few months ago and it got a lot of hype. I received messages from so many of you - who saw how they were being presented with 2 choices in life, to Evolve or Repeat. One woman shared that she's taking a sabbatical from work...

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About Me

I believe all women should have the opportunity to uncover their potential and actualize their desires. Whatever your desire, you are worthy of. Living in alignment with who you really are is the greatest gift we can give our children, our next generation.



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