Becoming Her: The Next Evolution
In Her words
Case studies

“The Becoming Her program was Medicine for the Soul. I can Dream again. Big Dreams. New Dreams.”
Meet Teresa
From Broken to Dreamer
Teresa came into the program feeling physically broken postpartum – that the “picture” she had in her mind of what motherhood would be like felt very distant from what she was experiencing in her day to day life. She not only found the healing she was seeking in the Becoming Her experience but opened herself up to dreaming again as “Her” – the woman + mother she always envisioned – all while bringing her business visions and dreams to fruition.
Looking back over the 8 weeks of the Becoming Her program, I experienced so many areas of change, growth, and blossoming. I came in with the goals of opening up my voice and seeking healing after my birthing trauma and related injuries. Dedicating the funds, time, and energy to this work was a big leap, but so worthwhile.
I have seen improvements in my marriage, health, finances, career, parenting and home environment. The clarity and confidence I gained led me to dive into the ocean, cut my hair, start my blog, pursue writing a book, make a huge professional pivot, and start my dream business. These very outward achievements are small in comparison to all of the inner changes that occurred. This course shined a light on my self limiting beliefs, old patterns, and wounds and gave me the language, framework, and mindset to internally address them.
Now as I navigate how to fully inhabit who I am becoming I am feeling grounded, motivated, and aligned. This grounding and alignment helps me feel more supported and functional as I open up to my new vision of myself. It is invigorating to have found the courage and spaciousness to honestly dream a new and evolved dream.
These outcomes are above and beyond my initial goals for the program. I am proud (and a bit shocked) at how much growth occurred in a seemingly short period of time. To sum it up I feel more connected to myself and my power. I believe that as I tell my son to dream big and pursue his passions that I now believe in those same possibilities for myself too.

“I signed up for the program because I felt myself spiraling to a place where I was not a good role model for my girls. This course gave me so much insight into my habits and decision making….”

“Through this program, I have learned how to trust myself again, to finally feel like I have come back home to the person I was as a child, the authentic nature that I was born with. I am no longer….”

“Just 24 hours after my breakthrough call with Ciara, I took a leap of faith and enrolled in the course and I haven’t looked back. Now just 8 weeks later I feel “unstuck” and aligned and…. “

“Shifting the lens through which I looked at life and my day to day was huge for me initially. Secondly, my trauma breakthrough was my huge “A-HA” moment. Processing that trauma and connecting the…”

“I remember on my first Breakthrough call with Ciara before I committed to Becoming Her, I was sobbing tears of confusion over my life. I was a mom of 3 young children who filed for…”

“Ciara helped me rediscover a part of me that was trapped and become who I know I’m meant to be. I was starting to feel burnt out from extraordinarily high expectations of myself which led….”

“I was feeling stuck and stagnant in my life with elevating amounts of anxiety. I knew that God had a purpose for me to live life with joy and serve others in a unique way, but I needed clarity that I could….”

“Becoming Her was a completely life altering experience and I can’t believe the shifts and strides I have been able to make in 8 short weeks! I manifested a job….”

“I remember on my first Breakthrough call with Ciara before I committed to Becoming Her, I was sobbing tears of confusion over my life. I was a mom of 3 young children who filed….”

“When I think back to how different my life was, how different I was, just 8 weeks ago before the Becoming Her program, it feels almost unheard of that someone could make such giant leaps…”

“My experience with Ciara was nothing short of life changing. Her ability to hold space and intuitively know when to lead and how to do it is remarkable. The fact that she’s been doing this for over a…”

“I’m not a victim of my circumstances, I have power. I have rediscovered a part of myself that was trapped and I’ve become who I know I’m meant to be. I was starting to feel burnt out from….”
About Me
I believe all women should have the opportunity to uncover their potential and actualize their desires. Whatever your desire, you are worthy of. Living in alignment with who you really are is the greatest gift we can give our children, our next generation.
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