Ciara Burton

Who Are You Becoming?

Who Are You Becoming?

If you feel uncomfortable, you’re growing. You’re growing into someone else. Your future self. The next version of you. It’s time to get in touch with what life is grooming you for… do you know? Ask yourself this question: Who are you being called to become? We all...
5 Ways to Regain Control & Reduce Anxiety

5 Ways to Regain Control & Reduce Anxiety

Owning your story and moving beyond the (self-created) obstacles that get in the way of living life with happiness and purpose. Are you feeling stuck in the “in-between” ? You set a vision or goals for the new year and now more than 4 weeks in, where are you at? How...
Get “Unstuck” by Following your Intuition

Get “Unstuck” by Following your Intuition

Are you feeling stuck or as if you are in an uncertain time in your life? Your intuition may be trying to speak to you. Are you listening? Our intuition is like our very own internal guide that’s always trying to speak to us. Often times we’re just too darn busy...
How to Find your High Vibe Tribe

How to Find your High Vibe Tribe

Are there people in your life that cause you to feel so-darn-good after being in their presence? Are there others who have the opposite effect?  Imagine spending more time with those HIGH VIBE people who light you up just by being who they are.  Imagine clearing the...